SJCA Handbook » Parent/Student Rights and Responsibilities

Parent/Student Rights and Responsibilities

The Education Code of the State of California requires the Governing Board of each school district, at the beginning of the regular school term, to notify the parent/guardian of its minor students regarding the right of the parent/guardian as contained in designated sections of the Education Code (EC § 48980 and EC § 48981).
The notice shall be sent home annually at the beginning of the school year and is to be signed by the parent/guardian and student and returned to the school. Signature of the notice is an acknowledgment by the parent/guardian that he/she has been informed of his/her rights but does not indicate that consent to participate in any particular program has either been given or withheld (EC § 48982).
If any activity covered by the sections contained in the notice will be undertaken by the school during forthcoming school term, the notice shall state that fact and shall also state the approximate date upon which any of such activities will occur.
No school district shall undertake any activity covered by the sections contained in the notice with respect to any particular student unless the parent/guardian has been informed of such action or has received separate special notification.
Arrangements for handicapped persons (aged 3-21) having special education needs can be made by contacting the district. Services include special instruction, psychological testing and counseling, health services, home teaching, adaptive physical education, speech and language training, and special bus transportation. Students receiving exceptional pupil services are placed in an appropriate program based on their individual educational needs.
The following sections of the law have been summarized for your convenience. Explanations regarding any activity may be requested from the Principal. All the activities described begin with the opening of school each year and continue throughout the school year. Separate special notification that your student is involved in any of the activities listed will be provided by the school Principal as individual students are involved.
A letter specifying any objection you may have at this time to any activity listed, or to the participation of your student in an activity listed, should be sent to the Principal that your student attends within 30 days of receipt of this notice.
Parents are reminded of the importance of investing for future college or university education for their children. There are many investment options including, but not limited, to U.S. Savings Bonds.