Academics » CA Standards

CA Standards


Preparing our young people for the world of tomorrow means equipping them with the knowledge and skills today that they will need to succeed in the workforce. To do that, we need to update our goals for learning—and that’s really all the California State Standards are. They are a set of learning goals that work grade-by-grade, step-by-step toward what modern careers and colleges expect, so that when students graduate, they are ready for college, ready for work—ready for life.

So what does it mean to be "ready?" In our fast-changing world, readiness involves having a very flexible kind of skill set—like a rope that can be used in many contexts. We need workers who can adapt to new situations and apply what they know to unforeseen problems. By making it a priority that students are able to weave together knowledge from different content areas, and problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate and work in teams, we’re asking educators to shift their approach to teaching.

 We will be putting more emphasis on giving students chances to integrate what they learn in various subjects. We are excited to see this kind of excellent teaching become mor